Most Russian students tend to worry more about their tenses than their use of prepositions in English.
Generally speaking, English and Russian tend to see eye to eye when it comes to singular and plural nouns – this is just a simple case of logic.
Learning to speak English fluently takes time and a good understanding of the language.
When you are learning English as a foreign language, it is important to understand the differences between British and American English.
Successfully passing a job interview in English requires training and preparation in two key areas: language skills and interview technique.
As a teacher, I have met hundreds of students who all seem to be saying the same thing: “I understand grammar well, can read and listening is ok...but I can’t speak English!”
Skype is a great tool for teaching English online and offers new e-learning opportunities to students from around the world.
Today, English in undoubtedly the leading lingua franca in the world and is gaining increasing importance as an international means of communication.
Business people are some of the busiest students and often complain about having too little time to study.
We all know what a traditional classroom experience feels like – groups of students, a teacher at the front, a blackboard, textbooks, and a bell at break time.
When it comes to choosing an English teacher, the first choice that needs to be made is between a local non-native teacher and a native English speaker.
Today, knowledge of English is essential if you want to be part of the global community and have your finger on the pulse in our modern age of information.
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